Corporate Service
Every organization requires resourceful employees
“An engaged employee” is one who is fully involved in , and enthusiastic about work , and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization’s interests.
Every organization requires resourceful employees who possess desired competencies to achieve individual and collaborated objectives therefore all organization spend a lot of time , effort and money in investing into various interventions like Training & Development , Employee Engagement , Organizational Development , Rewards & Recognition etc. which is significantly a must for organizational development and success.
“An employee will become more efficient and productive if he / she is trained and engaged well. An “engaged employee” is one who is fully involved in , and enthusiastic about work , and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization’s interests. The opposite of an engaged employee is a ‘zombie employee’– who is a disengaged employee that will stumble around the office, lower morale and cost the company money”.
With +20 years of working successfully across diversified organizations , People , Systems , we have not only successfully been able to conduct varieties of programs for any sort of target audience like Leadership Development , Managerial Effectiveness , Team Members Development , Organizational Change and Corporate Wellness Programs but also brought commendable positive impact using our end to end “5Ds Developmental Model” i.e Diagnose , Define , Design , Deliver , Determine. The Followings are the details of our corporate services – Please get in touch with us to know more about it at dsuccessmantras@gmail.com:
L & D Services
E-Series Standard Programs
Sales Programs
Leadership Development
End-to-end Interventions
Campus to Corporate
Needs Specific Programs
Wellness Programs
Office Yoga
Mindfulness Programs
Soft & Behavioural Skills
Guest Lectures
Customized Services
(Consultation & Execution)
Competency Mapping
Coaching & Mentoring
EE & OD Interventions
Conference, Events, R&R
Team Building Activities
Fun & Recreations
Specific Requirements